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Are you part of the 70% of people in England and Wales that currently do not have a Will?
Crystal Law Solicitors are able to assist you whether you are preparing for the future or organising your estate. Our team are experts in the drafting of bespoke Wills and will be able to advise you, whatever your circumstances may be, to ensure your wishes are carried out.
Many of us put off the task of writing a Will or putting in place all the necessary affairs to manage your personal and financial circumstances.
Our solicitors possess a wealth of knowledge in drafting Wills, from the most simple, to those involving complex trusts. As well as drafting Wills, we are happy to advise on your existing Will to make sure it reflects your wishes, complies with legal requirements and minimises potential tax liabilities.
How important is a will?
A Will is likely to be one of the most significant documents you will have to prepare in your lifetime. You will need to consider who will receive your property and belongings; who will act as your executor of your Will to deal with your estate; appoint guardians to care for your children, and specify your funeral arrangements.
By carefully planning a Will in your lifetime, you can save your family much heartache and stress at the most distressing times. Many people are wholly unaware of the intestacy rules and do not know what will happen to their estate in the unfortunate case that they do not have a Will. It is therefore essential to carefully consider getting a will – for property owners, parents and carers, a Will avoids unnecessary uncertainty for the loved ones you leave behind.
We offer a range of will writing services depending upon your needs.
Single Will
A Single Will is perhaps the most familiar and suitable for any individual person to outline their wishes. While Single Wills are generally for people who are not in a relationship or are divorced, they’re also used in circumstances when your wishes differ from your spouse or if they already have a Will.
Mirror Wills
Mirror Wills are designed for couples who have the same wishes. There are in fact two documents produced, one for each person, but each Will ‘mirrors’ the other.
Trust Wills
There are different types of Trust Wills, which gives you flexibility over your property and assets and how they’re managed.
Property Trust Wills
A Property Trust Will protects property in your estate. This allows someone to benefit from the property held in the trust while at the same time preserving all or part of it for other beneficiaries.
A Flexible Life Interest Trust Will
A Life Interest Trust is similar to a Property Trust Will but protects assets, and in this case, a beneficiary can receive income from the trust. It means a surviving spouse can still have access to funds for their needs, but on their death, the assets pass to other beneficiaries such as children.
Living Will
Another type of Will is a Living Will, legally referred to as Advance Decisions. This is a document which outlines any medical treatments you don’t want in future, and is only used if you are unable to make or communicate those. These are commonly used to refuse life-sustaining treatment, such as being given CPR or being put on a ventilator.
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